Registration Our Lady of The Lakes Church Parish Registration Contact InformationName* First Last Gender* Male Female Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Primary Phone*Primary Email* Primary Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Sacraments Received:* Baptism First Communion Profession of Faith (RCIA) Confirmation Permanent Diaconate Current Denomination/Religion*Reside in Balsam Lake, WI* Year-Round Summer Only Spring-Fall (Snowbird) Are you currently married?* Yes No If Married (Please Select)* Valid Catholic Invalid Catholic Valid Interfaith Invalid Interfaith Marital Status* Single Divorced Annulled Do you have children or dependents?* Yes No Spouse InformationSpouse Name* First Last Spouse Gender* Male Female Spouse Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Spouse Primary Phone*Spouse Primary Email* Spouse Sacraments Received:* Baptism First Communion Profession of Faith (RCIA) Confirmation Permanent Diaconate Spouse Denomination/Religion*Children or Dependent InformationList the name(s) of any children or other dependents (e.g., Daughter — Jane; Stepson — John).RelationshipNameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY RelationshipNameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY RelationshipNameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY RelationshipNameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Church Volunteer InterestEvents, Ministries and Activities you would like to learn more about or to participate in at Our Lady of the Lakes: Fundraising Events (check all that apply): Parish Festival (Fall) Event Chairperson Event Committee Dinner Committee Raffle Coordinator General Worker - Dinner Rummage Sale (Summer) Event Committee Dinner Chairperson Dinner Committee Raffle Coordinator General Worker - Sale General Worker - Dinner Arts & Craft Fair (November) Event Committee General Worker – Event I can volunteer (check all that apply): Mornings Afternoons Evenings Weekends Ministry Interests, Organizations & Activities (check all that apply)*: Please be aware that participation in some of these ministries requires training, as well as the Pastor's approval. Adult Faith Formation Art, Painting, Drawing Audio-Visual or Electronics Baking Baptism Class Facilitator Bible Study Catholic Traditions Carpentry or Do-It-Yourself Projects Maintenance for Church Christian Charity Council of Catholic Women Decorating Committee (Liturgical Year) Extraordinary Minister of Communion Evangelization Faith Formation – Youth Grades K - 12 Family & Relationships Food Preparation (including pot luck) Food Service & Clean-up Golf Hospitality Knights of Columbus Landscaping Gardening Adoptasection of Landscaping Library Help Ministry Interests, Organizations & Activities (check all that apply)*: Please be aware that participation in some of these ministries requires training, as well as the Pastor's approval. Music–Instrument(s) -------------------------- Music–Singing alone Music–Singing in a group or choir Nursing Home Ministry Office Help Computers, Internet Research Bulk Mailing Help Folding Bulletins Pastoral Care/ Home Visits Photography Prayer Chain Prayer Shawl Ministry Sewing, Knitting, Quilting RCIA Sponsor Reader/Lector Respect Life Retreat/Meditation Rosary Leader Sacristan Server Ushering/Greeter Vacation Bible School Wash & Maintain Church Linens Website Help Worship/ Liturgy Committee Our Lady of the Lakes - Balsam Lake Masses: Sun. 8:30 AM; Sat. 6:00 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 AM PO Box 399, Balsam Lake, WI 54810 Phone: 715-405-2253; Fax: 715-405-2743 [email protected] Priest Fr. Gerald Harris