Those that participated in the Encounter Retreat last fall got a taste of spending quality time with Jesus.

The Road To Emmaus is an opportunity to continue that journey. We invite everyone to travel on this journey and experience the riches of our Catholic Faith. More to come!

Journey with us!

We invite everyone to travel on this journey and experience the riches of our Catholic Faith. More to come each week!

What's in your backpack?

Grab a questionnaire after Mass to submit your response. We will feature the question and answers in the parish bulletin.

Pray with us!

Grab prayer resources after Mass to enrich your prayer life. Available near the entrances of both churches at the marketplace.

Save The Date!

Francesca LaRosa at Our Lady of the Lakes - Balsam Lake, WI

Friday, March 7, 2025: 5 pm Soup Supper | 6 pm Stations of the Cross with Music

Event Hosted by: Our Lady of the Lakes and St. Joseph Catholic Churches as part of our Road To Emmaus Journey


Two disciples, after experiencing the resurrection of our Lord, are on their way to the town of Emmaus when they unknowingly come upon Jesus.  The disciples do not recognize our Lord and proceed to share what they had just witnessed.  Together, they walk and talk until they reach Emmaus, where Jesus invites them to break bread.  It’s at this moment the disciples realize they have been walking with Jesus and didn't even know it.

Road To Emmaus front page